How To Fix The 1401, 1402, 1406 Error When Installing Microsoft Office – Working Tutorial

How To Fix The 1401, 1402, 1406 Error When Installing Microsoft Office – Working Tutorial

The 1401 / 1402 / 1406 error is a common problem which generally shows when you try and install Microsoft Office on your PC. The error is basically caused by your computer’s inability to read / process a certain registry key on your system – preventing your PC from being able to install the program you require. If you’re seeing this error, the good news is that it’s actually very easy to fix, by using the tutorial and tools outlined in this article.

These errors are the same and will show in this format:

  • Error 1401: Setup cannot create Registry Key
  • Error 1402: Setup cannot open Registry Key
  • Error 1406: Setup cannot write the value to the registry key

The reason why they are showing is because your computer cannot insert the files it requires into the “registry database” of your PC. This database is a central storage facility for all the settings and options which Windows uses to run – and is continually being used to help Windows with everything from recalling your desktop wallpaper to installing a new program. Even though the registry is continually causing a large amount of problems, the good news is that the 1401 / 1402 / 1406 errors are actually very easy to fix on it.

The way to fix these errors is to first make sure your user profile has access to changing the registry keys on your system. User profiles are controlled by a strict set of permissions on your system, meaning that if you want to be able to repair the problem you’re seeing – you should start by making sure your particular profile can change the registry keys of your PC. To do this, you can load up the “permissions” options and then make sure you have all granted permissions on there. After that, you should also look to disable any third party software you might have on your computer – which will basically prevent any other programs from interfering with the installation process.

On top of that, it’s also recommended that you use a ‘registry cleaner’ program to fix any of the errors and problems inside your system. A registry cleaner is a software tools which will scan through your PC and fix the various problems which are causing errors – basically allowing your PC to run faster and without many of the errors which the registry causes. The registry database (which registry cleaners fix) is the main cause of 1401 / 1402/ 1406 errors, an needs to be repaired in the most reliable way possible to ensure your computer is running smoothly and reliably. Downloading and running a registry cleaner should ensure your system is working correctly after the error.