Strategic Communications in a Multi-National Environment

Strategic Communications in a Multi-National Environment

Developing an effective strategic communications strategy can be a challenge under even the most ordinary of circumstances, but when you factor in the a global economic recession, it can make communicating to an international audience a most daunting task. And you also need to consider the political, social, and institutional climate that never seems to stop changing.
What seems like an effective strategy today could be a recipe for disaster tomorrow. That is why it is not a good idea to go it alone. You need to have a well-defined plan of attack to navigate the potentially treacherous waters of an ever-changing information landscape and media environment.
There are many ways in which strategic communications can be of value, weather in business or the government sectors. 
However, unlike traditional public relations, strategic communicators must broaden their field of vision and see things that may have not yet materialized. 

Through the development and implementation of an effective social marketing campaign, you can spread messages through community leaders that will compel people to take appropriate action. In this way, you can be assured of having the biggest impact on a community.
Strategic communications can also be key when it comes to event planning and management. Again, it all comes down to finding ways to influence important community leaders to help lead the masses to engage in the desired behavior.
Initially, this involves building a coalition of like-minded individuals who are motivated to stage an event that will draw support at the grassroots level. Also, through the community leaders, hard-to-reach segments of a population can also be influenced to help deliver the message even further. There is even assistance available for event venue selection and helping to document what took place during the event.
International strategic communications are also important when it comes to data gathering and analysis. Through gathering and analyzing statistics, an organization can help determine an audience’s motivations and perceptions, which is crucial in developing any type of effective promotional campaign.

Through the use of tools like focus groups, advisory panels and interviews, what would work and what would not when it comes to a communications program can be easily identified, which can prevent any breakdown in vital communication. Don’t let a tricky international climate keep you from getting the message out. Through strategic communications your message can be heard loud and clear all over the world.