Social Media Trends That Are Huge This Year


There was a time when television, newspapers and radio were the only forms of advertising products and services. But social media, which gave birth a decade ago have revolutionised the very game and concept of global marketing as well sharing information. There is a great deal of impressive data available on popular websites such as Facebook and other media platforms for influencing sales and other modes of communication. So, it is no wonder that many companies want to capitalize on this integral part of internet traffic.

Let us take a look at some of the social media trends that are huge this year. Here is a list of the game changes that may happen in 2017 –

1. Social Messaging

Private social messaging has become the norm of the day and the best examples can be seen in the tribute given to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. In recent times, the trendy population have taken to more usage of messaging apps than using the social networks. In 2017, we can see more similar apps making a mark.

However, they will bear the brand name of large conglomerates or start-ups which will create groups of their own for popularizing their products.

2. Fake News

Nearly 20 billion people in the globe are tuned to the internet at some point in their daily lives. To garner more likes and shares, there are people/companies/channels who spread fake news and inaccurate information to enhance their popularity.

The incident which would not have been forgotten by readers will be the 2016 Presidential election in US where inaccurate information about candidates were widely circulated on all media platforms. Every platform will take some harsh steps to curb this negative activity.

3. Augmented Reality

It was Snapchat who brought the concept of breath taking augmented reality to the social media thro’ its selfie lenses. The app of Pokémon Go became very popular in 2016. Similarly, other platforms will also make headway to the same sphere in 2017.

4. Chatbots

Agreed, chatbots are still in their early stages but this artificial intelligence tool can respond quickly to questions and comments of customers. Social media websites are going all out to include this tool in their platforms to prevent the customers going to another website.


Only four trends are covered in this article, but experts estimate there will be the highest number of changes in the tools used in similar platforms. For more social media updates and current trends, do not forget to subscribe to our website.