DLL Error Repair – How To Fix Hldd DLL Errors On Your PC Quickly and Easily

hlvdd.dll is a file used by the VoxWare Compression Toolkit application to help control a large number of important features and files. Although this file is used frequently by the Voxware program, it’s continually being damaged & corrupted – leading to a huge number of errors as a result. If you are seeing errors caused by hlvdd.dll, then you need to be able to fix the problems that are causing them – which will include everything from reinstalling the various programs causing the error to cleaning out the “Registry” of your PC. The good news is that this tutorial is going to show you everything about how to fix the error you’re seeing…
The hlvdd.dll error will generally show in this format:
- “hlvdd.dll Not Found”
- “This application failed to start because hlvdd.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.”
- “Cannot find hlvdd.dll”
- “The file hlvdd.dll is missing.”
- “Cannot start hlvdd.dll. A required component is missing: hlvdd.dll. Please install the application again.”
The reasons why these errors show is actually quite simple. The problem is that the file either cannot be read or cannot be located by Windows itself. The good news is that if you want to fix the problem you’re seeing, you can basically fix any potential problems that are leading it to show, allowing your computer to run much smoother and more reliably as a result.
The first step to fix the hlvdd.dll error is to reinstall any of the programs or software which are causing it to show. Admittedly, Voxware applications are generally installed alongside other programs – meaning that you should look to first uninstall and then re-install any software that’s leading the error to show. To do this, you should click onto Start > Control Panel > Add / Remove Programs, and then locate the application causing the error. After the program has been located, click the “remove” button next to it – which will load up the uninstaller. After the uninstallation has completed, you then need to reinstall the program either from the installation CD, or the Internet.
The next step to fix the hlvdd error is to clean out your PC with a “registry cleaner”. These are software tools which will scan through your computer and fix the errors which the registry database has inside – which is a central storage facility for all the files and settings for your PC. Not many people know this, but the registry database is where a central list of DLL files are stored for your system, allowing your computer to load up the files it requires at any time. Unfortunately, it’s likely that this list of files has either become damaged or corrupted – leading your computer to run with the errors you’re seeing. To fix this problem, it’s advisable you use a registry cleaner tool to scan through your system and fix any potential errors that are inside it.