Content Writing – A Match With the Technology

Content Writing – A Match With the Technology

Content writing is the process, which basically involves the development of the content for the website. Previously there use to be only copywriters who use to write for the print media, but due to the outburst of the online industry a new position was developed as “Content Writer.” In the print industry the writer has to write the news about politics, films, finance, and latest advances in the science sector. Content writing is the different field than the copy writing. There is a vast difference between writing for print and writing for online medium.

Printing industry mainly focuses on the quality of the article and subject explained in the article. Up course the grammar and punctuation should be appropriate. The online medium focuses mainly on the article subject and the keyword density and proximity in the written content. Grammar and punctuation plays a role, but the standards are not as stringent as for the print medium. Content writing in simple words is a match with the technology. For writing in the print media, the only necessity is you should have a good knowledge about the language, grammar, and punctuation. But, for writing the content for online media you should be savvy about the technological aspects of the content writing.

Content writing should always be rich with the keywords; it means if you are writing about the leather clothes then you should have the related words to leather clothes that people search on internet in your content (E.g.: leather jackets, leather skirts, leather coats). If you fail to enter the keywords in the content then your website may not be shown in the search engine as the search engine ranks the websites on the basis of the keywords on the website. Keyword density is the very important concept that should be understood by each and every content writer to write the result oriented content. Keyword density is count of the keywords present in the website divided by the total number of words on the webpage. In easy words, keyword density means number of keywords per phrase.

Keyword proximity and keyword stuffing are the two methods that every content writer should have knowledge about. Keyword proximity means a distance between two keywords. If you place the keywords too much nearer then your website may fail to rank higher in the searches. So, try to use keep a proper distance between the keywords. The use of the too many keywords on one webpage causes keyword stuffing. Due to this search ignores that webpage and considers it as the inferior quality. So, please keep these points in the mind whenever you write the content for the website.

The very important part of the content writing is the title. Make the title of the content as much clear that it intends to give a clear idea about the text written. Remember that search engine spiders never understands what you have written, but search the title and text for the keywords related to the website that you are working on. Another important thing that content writer should remember is to be short and sweet. Make the sentences as short as possible and easy to understand. Don’t use too high standard English words because every visitor of your website may not understand the meaning and you may lose the valuable customer. The ultimate aim of the website is to promote the products it wants to sell. So, please write the content in accordance with the technology to rank higher in searches and increase the business.