Computer Knowledge (Literacy)


Advancement in ICT (Information Communication Technology, has made the world to be viewed as a global village. Regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade), the Computers playing a major role, in this integration.

This integration of regions or nations of the world through this global network has made the world to be like a big village, where various nations are like clans in this big village, while the Presidents of the various nations are like heads of clans in this big village.

Therefore as it is any thing that affects one clan affects the other in this big village. This is what is actually happening in our world of today. A crisis in the Niger Delta of Nigeria affects the international price of crude oil, travels, etc.

This joining together of countries in the world economically, through education, society and politics, and citizens viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole is what is Globalization.

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by a combination of economic, socio-culture, politics, international trade and investment and aided by ICT (Information Communication Technology), in which the Internet pays a major role, through the network of Computers cut across the globe or world

Globalization, has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

In our world today, there are few places a person can’t get to via telephone or the Internet. Because of modern modes of communication, citizens of a nation are more conscious of the world at large and may be influenced by other cultures in a variety of ways.

Time and space matter less, and even language barriers are being overcome as people all over the world communicate through trade, social Internet forums, various media sources, and a variety of other ways.

As a result of globalization, the world is viewed as one Big Town or Village called a Global Village. And members of the Global Village are called Global Community. One major medium which has brought people of all nations closer together is the Internet. Internet is the networks of Computers all over the globe, which enable people of the world (Global Community), communicate with each other. Internet is one part of ICT.

ICT has been the major driver of globalization. Advances in Information Technology, in particular, have dramatically transformed economic life. Information Technologies have given all sorts of individual economic actors-consumers, investors, businesses-valuable new tools for identifying and pursuing economic opportunities, including faster and more informed analyses of economic trends around the world, easy transfers of assets, and collaboration with distant partners.

As you are reading this article now, minds are communicating all over the world through the Internet, to achieve their desires. Buying and Selling, School Admission and Registration, Airline Travel Booking, Research of any kind, Banking, Emails, looking for Employment, Information, etc, are all going on through the Internet.

Being Part of the Global Community

From the understanding above, no one in this present world, can succeed if he is she is not a member of the global community. To be a member of the global community, you must:

1. Be Computer Literate

2. Learn how to use the Internet

3. Own a Personal Computer (Desktop or Laptop)

Computer Literacy

Computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use Computers and technology efficiently. Another valuable component of Computer literacy is knowing how Computers work and operate. This later component is for advanced users or operators who may want to be Computer engineers. Knowing and having the ability to use Computers is mile stone into the global community.

Why Is Computer Literacy Necessary?

There are a lot of things you will need the Computer for directly or indirectly in this present age of ours. Either you use it directly or someone is using it on your behalf. Some reasons why you have to be Computer literate are as listed below:

1. When looking for job, your employers require that you be Computer literate, as Computer could be a basic tool you will have to use.

2. In most places of business, Computer is standard. For example, in the banks Computers are used for banking transactions and to look up customer’s account information. In some auto repair shop Computers are used to assess electronic and other faults in cars.

3. In schools Computers are used for student’s registration and admission, accounting, exams and records. School libraries are database of books. No more use of library cards.

4. In some Hospitals and Clinics patient information are stored in Computers. Doctors must know how to retrieve such information to treat a patient.

5. To send or receive electronic mails you need to learn how to use the Computer and the Internet or you pay someone to do it for you.

This list is endless. It is in your best interests to start learning to use the personal Computer now. It will help you get a job and it will help you advance in your career.

Computer literacy does not mean you need to know how use every single piece of software you may encounter. It does not mean you need to know how to write programs or network Computers. You just need to know some basics:

1. How to Start the Computer

2. How to use the OS (Operating System) running in your Computer, Windows, Mac or Linux.

3. How to open Application Software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Create, Save and Open Files.

4. How to Exit or Close an Application Software and open another.

5. How to properly shutdown the Computer after usage.

6. How to use the Internet to Browse the Internet, send and receive email.

7. How to listen to Music and play Video in your Computer.

8. How to handle your PC (Personal Computer).

When you learn how to use the computer, you will have some sort spot for it in your mind, when you come to appreciate how easy it is to use the computer and how useful it is. Then the fear that it is impossible or difficult to learn how to use the computer would have been a thing of the past.

I remember when I was teaching a very good friend of mine how to use the Microsoft Word and the Mouse. It did not come so easy. But because she had made up her mind to learn, it did not take time for her to start using the tools. One day I went to her office to see her, just to find out that the typewriter she so much loved was under the table. Then I ask her how is the mouse doing? And she smiled. Her masters programme was on Computer Networking. This is the joy of learning how to use the PC.

How do you Become Computer Literate?

To become Computer Literate, you have to attend a Computer Training School. There are all over the place. In such schools, Basic Computer courses are offered. They are usually reasonably priced, and you can workout time to learn them. There are free online courses in the Internet, if you don want to attend any school. You can learn from a cyber café, but some body must have to teach you. Some Cyber Café offer computer courses. Two free computer courses online sites are:

At this point in time you don’t have to own a Computer, except you want to practice at home. After finishing your course, you would have made up your mind as to what type of Personal Computer you want (Desktop or Laptop).

Learn How to Use the Internet

To be a member of the global community, you must know how to use the internet. If you can imagine the information you can find virtually from any facet of life in the Internet, you will appreciate what humans are doing to make life and the world an easy place to live in. You must learn and know how to use the Internet to be relevant in this 21st Century. There is no age barrier to becoming a computer literate. Interest is the watch word. It is good to learn from a Computer Training School, how to use the Internet. When you have grabbed the basics, then you can visit these free sites, like this shown below:

Own a Personal Computer (Desktop or Laptop)

After you have learnt how to use the computer and Internet, it is time to own your computer, if you have not already bought on. Your decision to own a PC depends on what you want to do with it. That will inform your decision to own a desktop or laptop computer. Be part of the global or digital world.