Chiropractic Marketing – The Recession-Proof Web 2.0 Goldmine

Chiropractic Marketing – The Recession-Proof Web 2.0 Goldmine

It’s hard to believe that three years have passed already since I introduced the chiropractic profession to Web 2.0 social media marketing. What first began as marketing on just social networks like Myspace, YouTube, and Facebook, has expanded to encompass the vast, new and rapidly growing online media outlets. If you were to take a snapshot at the growth of this Web 2.0 phenomenon back in 2005 and compare it now, it would appear like a virus that literally doubled every 24 hours. Now, I’m not just speaking about huge-growth of a new phase of the internet and communication. I am also referring to the massively profitable nature that comes with this technology for your chiropractic practice and the ability to easily generate multiple sources of income at a staggering rate.

The days of back-breaking, paid marketing and advertising are over by many standards. In the struggling economy that is upon us, chiropractors that still use “stone-age” methods to acquire new patients are finding that success is few and far in-between. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and embrace these exciting and much-needed changes in chiropractic marketing.

Quite frankly, my “economy” is booming just like the hundreds of other chiropractors that have started to implement strategic methods for social media marketing. A global shift has occurred and the question you have to ask is, “Do you want to be a part of this goldmine or do you want to be left-out in the cold?”

Below is a quick-list of a few sites that I readily frequent (and I highly recommend you do as well) in my Web 2.0 marketing endeavors for my chiropractic practice and the other streams of revenue that continue to flow:


I could easily list over 200 websites but for times sake, we’ll keep it at a few. It’s important to have a systematic blueprint or checklist to run-through when learning to harness the power of social media. The good news is that you, as a practicing chiropractor, DO NOT have to do it all yourself. These tasks can be very simple to outsource if you understand and have a little direction.

Even the incredible time saving and leveraged-based tools I use and recommend can be easily shown to a CA or marketing director for use. The most important thing is to be coachable, as this may be a new language to many chiropractic marketing newbies and veterans.

There are even ways to monetize your existing chiropractic practice online with Web 2.0 social media. I can’t even begin to tell you how great it feels to wake-up in the morning with consistently more money in my bank account without doing any work. Sometimes I think that I’m dreaming but this is a reality, not just for myself, but for many other chiropractors that are hitting it hard with social media.

Establishing other systems of passive income along with your current practice will make you recession-proof. Bigger thinking is required in times like these and those that are constantly scouting innovative methods for attracting new patients will thrive and prosper.

Concentrate on providing a large amount of value to your existing and potential patients on the web. This medium allows you to put yourself in front of a local and global audience eager to hear what you have to say. Don’t fret, you are an expert in your own right. Trust me, you have plenty to talk about even though you might not see it yet. You could take a specific aspect of your chiropractic practice (nutrition, personal injury, back-pain, etc…) and develop a YouTube video channel around it with a series of weekly videos, as an example.

Be creative and you will find this new, powerful virtual world will bring you boatloads of new patients, build social proof, and allow you to generate multiple streams of residual income.